Dirk Mestmacher

On Stage



Since the season 14/15 Dirk Mestmacher is a member of the Coburg Municipal Theatre ensemble. Here, he can be seen in such roles as PEDRILLO, in ‘Die Entführung aus dem Serail’ the WITCH in ‘Hänsel und Gretel’, ADAM in ‘Der Vogelhändler’ , PROF. HIGGINS in ‘My Fair Lady’ or the 1st JUDE in ‘Salome’. In the season 15/16 he also portrays ADAM as a guest at the Plauen/Zwickau Theatre.

Guest performances already brought the tenor to several opera houses in the German-speaking area e. g. at the Vienna Popular Opera, the Hamburg State Opera, the Karlsruhe State Theatre, the Braunschweig State Theatre, the Aalto Theatre in Essen, to Dortmund, Bonn, Gelsenkirchen, Kiel and the Dresden State Operetta.

Previously he had permanent engagements at the Bielefeld City Theatre, the Detmold Municipal Theatre, the Musical Comedy in Leipzig and the Pforzheim City Theatre, where he ejoyend great succeses in such roles as PIMPINELLI in „Paganini“, TRIQUET in „Eugen Onegin“ and the STEERSMAN in „Der fliegende Holländer“. The 1st JUDE in Richard Strauss’ „Salome“, REMENDADO in “Carmen“, HERRISON DE PORC-EPIC in „L `Étoile”, FIORILLO in „ Der Barbier von Sevilla“, Lord EVELYN OAKLEIGH in „Anything Goes“, PEPPE im „ Pagliacci“ und Dr. BLIND in „Die Fledermaus“ . He was the FATHER in Kurt Weill’s „Die Sieben Todsünden“ and HARLEKIN in Viktor Ullmann’s modern opera „Der Kaiser von Atlantis“at the Fürth Theatre, a performance which was also broadcastged in the Bavarian Radio.

His most important parts include PEDRILLO in ‚Die Entführung aus dem Serail‘ , COUNT DANILO in ‚Die Lustige Witwe‘ (Dresden), COUNT BONI in „Die Csardasfürstin“ (Bielefeld, Leipzig, Pforzheim, Karlsruhe), TONI in „West Side Story“ (Leipzig).

Dirk Mestmacher first studied acting in Hamburg. Afterwards,he started his musical studies at the Dance- and Singing Studio in Vienna. Finally, he absolved classical singing studies. The artist is a Prize winner of numerous singing competitions. He was finalist of the National Singing Competition in Berlin. Dirk Merstmacher is also a very much sought-after chuch concert singer. His repertoire includes numerous Bach cantatas and Bach’s St. John’s and St. Matthew ‚s Passion (tenor/evangelist), oratorias and passions from Fasch, Graun, Händel, Herzogenberg, Janácek, Keiser, Saint Saens’ Christmas Oratoirum, Puccini’s Messa di Gloria and Haydn’s Creation (Uriel).

Recently, Dirk Mestmacher could be seen in the world premiere of „Sandman“, a stage adaption of the novel of E.T.A. Hoffmann. Under the direction of Thomas Winter, Mestmacher connected acting and singing and turned the piece into a great solo performance. In 2014 he was very successful as PETRUCCHIO in “Kiss me Kate” at the Coburg Summer Operetta and he was once again Ari Leschnikoff in the „Comedian Harmonists in Concert“ in Erlangen, Braunschweig and Regensburg.

In summer 2020 ke knew great success at the Coburg Theatre with his own FRANK SINATRA show, titled Fly me to the moon. He had also had performances at the Bayreuth Festival as GOMELLA in “Siegfried Wagners Sonnenflammen”. Moreover, he sang ARI LESCHNIKOFF in the „Comedian Harmonists in Concert“ in Erlangen, Bielefeld, Braunschweig and Regensburg.

In 2021 he enjoyed huge success as EGON VON WILDHAGEN in „Der Vetter aus Dingsda“ at the Opera House Kiel.


Opernhaus Kiel - Der Vetter aus Dingsda - EGON VON WILDENHAGEN
Coburg Municipal Theatre - Der Vogelhändler - ADAM
Coburg Municipal Theatre - Der Vogelhändler - ADAM
Coburg Munucipal Theatre - Die Entführung aus dem Serail
Theater Bielefeld - Der Sandmann
Theater Bielefeld - Der Sandmann
Coburger Sommeroperette - Kiss me Kate - PETRUCCHIO
Theater Bielefeld - Anything Goes - LORD EVELYN OAKLEIGH
Theater Bielefeld - L' Étoile - HERRISON DE PORC-EPIC