Ezgi Kutlu

On Stage



Lately, guest engagements brought Ezgi Kutlu as JUNO in Semele to the Opéra de Lille, as DONNA ELVIRA in „Don Giovanni“ and MADDALENA in „Rigoletto“ to the Stuttgart State Opera, as LUCRECIA CENCI to the Opéra National du Rhin Strasbourg, as SANTUZZA to the Opera House Graz, GIUDITTA in “Betulia Liberata” by W.A. Mozart to the Opera House Frankfurt, as ANINA in “Der Rosenkavalier” to the Flemish Opera Antwerp and as 3rd DAME in “Die Zauberflöte” to the Mozart Festival at the Lincoln Center New York, the Gran Teatre del Liceu Barcelona, the Edinburgh Festival and to Budapest, as ISABELLA in “L’Italiana in Algeri” to the Garsington Opera, where she had already enjoyed a huge success before as ANGELINA in “La Cenerentola”.

Since 2012 she is a regular guest at the Komische Oper Berlin. She sang here PENELOPE in „Odysseus“, a part of the much-noticed premiere of the Monteverdi-trilogy – an opera event, which was broadcasted live in the German TV channel 3Sat. Other roles, which she performed here include CORNELIA in Händel’s “Giulio Cesare”, AMASTRE in “Xerxes” and JUNO in “Semele”, the 3rd DAME in “Die Zauberflöte” and the title role of CARMEN. In the season 2022/23 she returned as STORGÉ in Jephta and JUNO in Semele.

Ezgi Kutlu studied singing in Ankara, at the New York Juilliard School of Music and at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. She was a Prize winner of the Licia-Albanese-Singing Contest and the Metropolitan Opera National Auditions; besides she achieved the Marian Anderson Award and in summer 2008 she participated in the first Young Singers Project of the Salzburg Festival.

Also, in 2008 the Turkish artist made her successful debut as ANNIO in “La Clemenza di Tito” at the Stuttgart State Opera. Further engagements here include RAGONDE in “Le Comte Ory”, the 2nd DAME in “Die Zauberflöte” and ELISABETTA in Donizetti’s “Maria Stuarda”, just to name a few.

From 2008 to 2010 the mezzo was a member of the Nurembourg State Theatre, where she sang such roles as DORABELLA, MADDALENA in “Rigoletto”, CHERUBINO in “Le nozze di Figaro”, SINAIDE in Rossini’s “Moïse et Pharaon” and the COMPOSER in “Ariadne auf Naxos”.

Ezgi Kutlu works with such renowned conductors and producers such as Ricardo Muti, Giuliano Carella, Konrad Junghänel, Henrik Nanasi, Stefan Herheim, Barrie Kosky, Calixto Bieito, Jossi Wieler, Christoph Waltz,...

At the Salzburg Festival Ezgi Kutlu could be seen together with Edita Gruberova in “Norma”. She made her London debut at the Royal Festival Hall with the London Philharmonic Orchestra as PUBLIA in Rossini’s “Aureliano in Palmira” – a production which was equally released on CD. In 2011 she made her Italy debut as FENENA in Verdi’s “Nabucco” at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. Besides she had guest performances in this very role at the Marinsky Theatre St Petersburg. She retuned to the Stuttgart State Opera as PIACERE in Händel’s “Il trionfo del tempo e del disinganno”.

She portrayed CARMEN at the Opera House Dortmund and at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf Duisburg and returns to Düsseldorf in the seasons 2022-24 as 3. DAME in Die Zauberflöte.


Gran Teatro del Liceu – Der Rosenkavailer - ANINA
Thomas Blondelle and Ezgi Kutlu stand out as Valzacchi and Anina.
Forum Opera
Staatstheater Stuttgart – Nabucco – FENENA
With Fenena, the Turkish mezzo Ezgi Kutlu, with her pleasant timbre and her suggestive phrasing.
Opernhaus Nürnberg – Moses und Pharao – Sinaïde
Probably also because Ezgi Kutlu as his mother Sinaïde steals the shows with her mezzo voice and her stage presence.
Oper Frankfurt – Beulia Liberata
With Judith’s Tale the Turkish mezzo soprano Ezgo Kutlu , who made her debut at the Frankfurt Opera , provided the highlight of the oratorio. As the librettist, whose text was fairly general until then, finally comes to the point of the biblical story, Ezgi Kutlu literally glows in this aria.
Feuilleton Frankfurt
Komische Oper Berlin – Orpheus - PENELOPE
… his wife Penelope, who is waiting for him, was sung with a dark mezzo voice by Ezgi Kutlu.
Staatstheater Nürnberg – Rigoletto – MADDALENA
Ezgi Kutlu sings a rather frivolous Maddalena with a capricious mezzo voice.
Vlaamse Opera Antwerpen – Der Rosenkavalier – ANINA
…the most impressive Anina by Ezgi Kutlu.
Die Presse
Garsington Opera - L' Italiana in Algeri - ISABELLA
...but it’s Kutlu who is the real find: this is a wonderful voice, dark in tone and evenly produced, her coloratura effortless and thrillingly negotiated.
The Guardian
Ezgi Kutlu demonstrates a pleasant and steady mezzo-soprano as Isabella.
The Telegraph
Komische Oper Berlin - Giulio cesare in Egitto - CORNELIA
Ezgi Kutlu sings Cornelia wiuth some thrilling alto cantilenas.

But Ezgi Kutlu as Cornelia is brilliant with her enchantingly warm mezzo voice,...
Oper Graz – Cavalleria Rusticana – SANTUZZA
Garsington Opera - L' Italiana in Algeri - ISABELLA
Garsington Opera - L' Italiana in Algeri - ISABELLA
Garsington Opera - L' Italiana in Algeri - ISABELLA
Opernhaus Nürnberg - Ariadna audf Naxos - KOMPONIST
Deutsche Oper am Rhein - Carmen - CARMEN
Opernhaus Nürnberg - Die Zauberflöte - 2. DAME
Garsington Opera Festival - La Cenerantola - ANGELINA
Komische Oper Berlin - Odysseus - PENELOPE