Johannes Beck

On Stage



“ The powerful, beautiful baritone Johannes Beck ”
Opernwelt, Capriccio, Edinburgh Festival

Since the 2012/13 season, Mr. Beck has been a member of the ensemble at the Gera Opera House, where he has appeared as Captain BALSTRODE in Peter Grimes, BORIS ISMAILOV in Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, ALTGESELL in Jenufa, ESCAMILLO and PETER BESENBINDER, MAZEPPA, FANINAL and RIGOLETTO, among others. During this time, Mr. Beck made guest appearances in CARMINA BURANA at the Leipzig Opera and in Vienna, here also as DON PIZARRO and at the festival in Mallorca as GIORGIO GERMONT in La Traviata. He also made his debut as HEERRUFER in Lohengrin.

The young Austrian made his first appearance as a soloist in Haydn's “Creation” in Eisenstadt at the age of 16. After graduating from high school, he continued his studies at the university in Graz. Here he sang his first opera roles at the opera school (including Leporello and Papageno) and made his debut at the Graz Opera House.

Johannes Beck won two prizes at the national “Jugend musiziert” competition. He completed his studies in Graz with the first diploma with distinction and continued his education in the USA. He was initially a student of Dr. Joyce Farwell at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, where he appeared as John Proctor in Ward's “Crucible”. He then studied at the Juilliard School in New York with Cynthia Hoffmann. In 1994 he returned to Europe and became a studio member at the Zurich Opera House, where he made his debut in “Salome”. At this time he won the Eistedfod Competition in Llangollen, Wales.

From 1995 to 1997, he was engaged at the Opera Studio of the Bavarian State Opera in Munich. Here he sang the COUNT in Mozart's “Marriage of Figaro” and MALATESTA in Donizetti's “Don Pasquale”. At the State Opera he took part in the world premiere of Henze's “Venus und Adonis”. Guest engagements have taken him to Bamberg (Huldbrand in Hoffmann's “Undine”, released on CD in 1995), Merzig (Figaro-Graf) and the Vienna Chamber Opera (“Viva la Mamma”). He sang the solo baritone in Britten's “War Requiem” in London's Westminster Cathedral.

Bis 2007 war er dann im Festengagement am Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz München. Er verkörperte hier über 30 Partien seines Fachs u.a. ZSUPÁN, ZAR PETER, den Wildschütz-GRAFEN, PAPAGENO, NARDO in “Die Gärtnerin aus Liebe”, MARCELLO und SCHAUNARD in “La Bohéme”, DANDINI in “La Cenerentola” und OLIVIER im “Capriccio”. Er war auch in mehreren Operettenproduktionen zu erleben, so als JAN im “Bettelstudent”, JAN FRICK im “Pariser Leben” und Dr. FALKE in der “Fledermaus”.

Until 2007, he was then in a permanent engagement at the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz in Munich. Here he performed over 30 roles in his field, including ZSUPÁN, ZAR PETER, the Wildschütz-GRAFEN, PAPAGENO, NARDO in “Die Gärtnerin aus Liebe”, MARCELLO and SCHAUNARD in “La Bohéme”, DANDINI in “La Cenerentola” and OLIVIER in “Capriccio”. He has also appeared in several operetta productions, such as JAN in “Bettelstudent”, JAN FRICK in “Pariser Leben” and Dr. FALKE in “Fledermaus”.

At the Cologne Opera, Johannes Beck sang TADDEO in “L'Italiana in Algeri”, FATHER in “Hänsel und Gretel” and DR.FALKE in Die Fledermaus, among others.

He will sing RIGOLETTO at the Wernigerode Castle Festival in 2018.


Schlossfestspiele Werningrode – RIGOLETTO
Johannes Beck as Rigoletto convincingly leads the ensemble. Physically, his Fool is not marked by a stuffed hump, but by a crutch. Both vocally and dramatically his portrayal of Rigoletto as the cynical professional mocker, but also as the compassionate father and the deeply humiliated victim are credible.
Joachim Lang Orpheus 05/2018 – Sept./Okt
Bühnen der Stadt Gera - Rübezahl - BUKO
Johannes Beck was completely in his element in the role of Buko. With his expansive voice, he was able to clearly outline the bailiff's brutality.
Der neue Merker April 2016
And last but not least, Johannes Beck, who lends a heroic baritone of stature to the old town bailiff.
Singing powerfully, Johannes Beck wallows as Buko ...
Theater Altenburg/Gera - Peter Grimes - BALSTRODE
'Johannes Beck gives this sailor striking features. The old seaman would have been able to make a difference in the fishing village, but it seems as if he too has given up.'
Der neue Merker Wien, Christoph Suhre, 03/2015
Der Rosenkavalier - FANINAL - Theater Altenburg - Gera
'Johannes Beck's voice is like something out of a picture book.
Ostthüringer Zeitung
'...the newly noble Lord of Faninal, whom Johannes Beck performed powerfully to the point of brutality'.
Freie Presse
Wernigeröder SchloßFestspiele - RIGOLETTO
Foto: Henrik Bollmann
Bühnen der Stadt Gera - Rübezahl - BUKO
Bühnen der Stadt Gera - Rübezahl - BUKO
Der Rosenkavalier - FANINAL - Theater Altenburg-Gera
La Boheme - MARCELLO - Theater Altenburg/Gera- Dezember 2013
Bühnen der Stadt Gera - Lady Macbeth von Mzensk - BORIS
Theater Koblenz - Lohengrin - HEERRUFER
Bühnen der Stadt Gera - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor - FLUTH

Bariton im Rigoletto-Strudel in Wernigerode